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Lincoln and the Ghosts of the Civil War
The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln is a lynchpin of American history. Once in office, the long simmering feuds between northern and southern states soon boiled over into what would become known as the American Civil War. It was Lincoln, who through his asserted will, personal charisma, and perceptive intelligence, led the Northern Union states to a hard fought victory. 620,000 men died in the Civil War, exceeding the nation's losses of any other American war. Turbulent moments often leave their mark on time and some would say, they make an impression on the fabric of unseen space, the ether of the world between the living and the dead.
Lincoln himself was no stranger to the world of the Paranormal. While running for the office of President, Lincoln was listening to friends discuss the possibilities of Civil War, Lincoln said to them; "Gentlemen, you may be surprised and think it strange, but when the doctor here was describing a war, I distinctly saw myself, in second sight, bearing an important part in that strife."
On the day he won his election for president, exhausted, he sat in his bedroom. Staring in the mirror at the man who was the newly elected president, Lincoln saw in the reflection a vision of two separate and clearly defined faces. The vision faded and then returned. The first face was normal, but the second looked pale, death like. The vision again faded. Lincoln told his wife, Mary Todd, about it. In the following days he tried to make it happen again, to demonstrate it for his wife. Mary Todd did not see it, but she told him what she thought it meant. The first healthy face was his current face, indicating that he would live out his first term in office, but the other faces deathly pale complexion indicated that he would not live to see the end of the second term.
During the war, Lincoln used the telegraph lines like we would use the internet or a fax machine today. He was constantly updated, reading the latest news from his commanders. After one visit to the telegraph office, he read the reports and left, only to come back sometime later in a panic and ordered the operator to send a line out that the Confederates were about to cross the Union lines! The operator asked where he had received this sudden turn of information and Lincoln responded; "My God man, I saw it!"
Millions of people contributed and sacrificed tremendously to the outcome of the American Civil War. Hundreds of thousands of Americans sacrificed everything. Yet one man stands out in history and is credited above all others in influencing the outcome of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln, a former Illinois lawyer, won the Republican Party nomination and became the President of the United States in 1860. The southern states, of which Lincoln only won 2 of 996 counties that he was on the ballot on, began quickly seceding from the Union and forming their own nation, the Confederate States of America. Abraham Lincoln and the majority in the north would not allow the Union to be dissolved, and an American Civil War was imminent.
The war, known to the southerners as the "War of Northern Aggression" or "War Between the States", was immensely feared, but also fiercely anticipated by both sides. Both northerners and southerners gave violent demonstrations and Abraham Lincoln had already evaded assassination attempts even before his inauguration.
In April of 1861 the Confederates fired on South Carolina's Fort Sumter and the fort was forced to surrender under heavy fire. Abraham Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to recapture Union forts and quell the uprising. Four more Southern states, including Virginia, seceded from the Union and the American Civil War was officially underway.
Militarily, the north was decidedly losing the war until the battle of Antietam occurred, the single bloodiest day in American history. While still not technically a strategic victory for the North, Abraham Lincoln now at least had enough political leverage to put into law the Emancipation Proclamation, which freed liberated slaves in southern states. While the Emancipation Proclamation had political motivations, it also helped to weaken the southern economy as freed black slaves were now also allowed to join the ranks of the Union army. By the end of the war about 179,000 black men served in the army and about 19,000 served in the navy.
Lincoln had always encountered northern opposition to the American Civil War (mostly anti-war Democrat "copperheads"), but none so drastically until after the battle of Gettysburg. While Gettysburg was a great northern victory, Lincoln had to initiate the war's second draft to replace the staggering 23,000 Union casualties. The northern citizens were far from happy, and even violent. The most notable example is the New York City Draft Riots. The riots were put down and Lincoln continued on and delivered the famous Gettysburg address.
Gettysburg proved to be the turning point in the American Civil War. Union victories at Gettysburg, Vicksburg, and Chattanooga gave the North more confidence and Abraham Lincoln appointed General Ulysses S. Grant army commander. What Grant lacked as a military tactician he made up for in raw aggressiveness, beating the South through attrition with high casualties on both sides. Despite initial fears by the Republican Party (though Lincoln ran under the National Union Party) and war Democrats, Lincoln easily defeated George B. McClellan (former Union general appointed twice by Lincoln) in the 1864 presidential election.
The devastating American Civil War came to a conclusion on April 9, 1865 when General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House in Virginia. Lincoln could finally focus most of his efforts on reconstruction and beginning to mend the deep scars between the North and South. When asked how defeated Confederates should be treated, Lincoln responded "Let 'em up easy". History had other plans however as on April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C., a single shot by stage actor John Wilkes Booth ended the life of Abraham Lincoln.
One of the most popular pets all over the world is cat (alongside dog of course), but there are many breeds of cat to choose from. Therefore, it is advisable to learn about the most popular or common cat breeds first to make sure that you are adopting the perfect breed for you.
Besides the physical attributes, different breeds of cats have different characteristics too so it is definitely advisable to get at least some few ideas on each before adopting one. Do not worry because in this article, we will provide you with some details about the most popular and common cat breeds:
One of the most popular pets in the world is the cat (next to the dog, of course), but there are many breeds of cats to choose from. Therefore, it is advisable to learn about the most popular or common cat breeds first to make sure that you are adopting the perfect breed for you.
In addition to the physical attributes, different breeds of cats also have different characteristics, so it is definitely advisable to have at least a few ideas about each one before adopting one. Don't worry because in this article we will provide some details about the most popular and common cat breeds:
Persian - probably one of the most popular breeds of cat among cat lovers is Persian cat. The distinguishable fluffy and flowing coat and pug-nosed face make this breed a favourite for many pet owners out there. In terms of its personality, Persian cats have laid back personality and sometimes dog-like characteristic as some people would describe it.
Siamese - many people would refer Siamese cats as cats with most personality. Well, they are very outgoing and temperamental. They are also the most social and friendly among other breeds of cats. They can go very loud too as they express their affection through their voices. However, their voices are soft to listen to.
Maine Coon -another popular breed among cat owners is Maine Coon. What makes this breed so popular is its very beautiful appearance - medium to long fur, glossy coat, long and bushy tail that it usually wraps around itself when sleeping as protection to the cold weather as well. Maine coon could grow big when it reaches its 4th year but they remain gentle, sweet and loving breed of feline. This breed of cat is very good as in-house pet. Another great thing about Maine Coon is that it is very easy to maintain. You just need to brush its coat everyday and you are sure to keep them looking presentable always.
British Shorthair - this breed is very popular in the British Isles. Though many people would also call this breed as "British Blue", it is in fact available in other colors. It has dense, plush and short coat.
American Shorthair - this breed has dense, hard, lustrous and short coat. It is a very active, easy going and playful type of cat. This is indeed perfect for little kids who enjoy playing with their pet cat.
Balinese - one of the breeds perfect for the family is Balinese cat. It is very affectionate, loving, playful, intelligent and loyal pet. You will surely fall in love even more with its silky coat.
Bengal - there are growing numbers of people all over the world sharing love for Bengal breed. It has soft and dense coat. You will surely enjoy its active, inquisitive, loving and affectionate personality. It grows up to 15 pounds.
It is indeed fun to have pet cat in the house. However, it would be more enjoyable if you will choose the breed of cat perfect for your personality as well.